Friday, June 5, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009

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Interview with Darlene

I hope you will find this helpful in getting to know me better.

What prompted you to write? And what do you think was the catalyst for this change?

My mess has become my message! I write about what I've been through, and how I have learned to overcome life's most difficult challenges. I have not arrived at any destination, but I am blossoming more and more each day, just like a beautiful rose.

My childhood was filled with lots of rejection, abuse, hopelessness and despair. For many years, I walked around feeling as though I had no worth or value. I was constantly searching for someone who would love me unconditionally—just for who I was—and I looked in all the wrong places. At the time, I had no idea that God had a wonderful destiny for me—a divine plan for my life.

Healing has come slowly, and by no means am I finished yet. I have come to know just how much God does love me—in spite of myself—and in spite of my past! I’ve come to understand that my worth and value are not validated by what I do or don’t do—it’s because of who I am—God’s child!

How much time occurred from when you first began to dream or imagine you could write, and actually took steps to pursue it?

About 20 years … there was so much healing that needed to be done in my life—it was a step-by-step and layer-by-layer process.

What was your first step and what was the deciding factor?

After my experience at the Valley Rescue Mission, I was bursting at the seams to share with other hurting women the same love that Jesus had shown me. Although it had taken
many years for me to forgive those who had hurt me and to forgive myself—I wanted others to know that with God’s help, it could be done! I wanted the reader to know what Jesus did for me—He was waiting to do for them, too! I wanted to let them know that their greatest hurt in life could become their greatest gift if they would choose to become better for it and not bitter about the experience!

What did you hope to accomplish?

To become a reflection of Jesus to this lost and hurting world. To be His hands and feet.

Have you accomplished all of your goals?

No—God is still blessing me with more books to write. I don't believe I will ever accomplish all of my goals.

Whenever I have an epiphany moment (an “I finally got it” moment)—I write it down. Or when God delivers me from an old habit—from a fear—or from whatever—I write down the lesson that I’ve learned from it, and many times it eventually becomes a new book.

Did someone or something inspire you? Did you have a mentor or guide who
supported you while your pursued this dream?

God inspired me. My husband, Brett inspired me. The women at Teen Challenge and the Bethany House inspired me. Speaking with prisoners inspired me. Martha Ray, a dear friend of mine, inspired me to write my testimony in book form. She edited my book, along with my faithful friend, Bessie Barrick—who edits each of my books. My sisters inspired me. My treasured friends Sherry Jenkins, Allen Levi, Carol Hall, Rebra and Chet Draper, Blair Pennington, Janice Debice, Gloria Withers, Rubye and Jim Goodlett, Jason McDurmont at Quill Printing and Carolyn Ratcliff inspired me. They helped paved the way! Joyce Meyer has been extremely valuable in helping me take the steps to overcome my past.

If you could go back and change one experience from your pursuit, what would it be?

Every experience has drawn me closer to God and made me who I am today. It's not about how many books I have written, but who I have become in the process-victorious!

How has writing and sharing with others enhanced your life?

I’ve learned that I can NEVER outgive God! God has blessed me 100 times over and has been faithful to me every step of the way!

I’ve found that what I make happen for others—God makes happen for me! I have a wonderful husband, who has stood by me and supported me these past 30 years with two beautiful children and two precious grandchildren. I once heard someone say, “A rich man is not the one who has the most—but the one who needs the least.” I’ve found this to be so true!

What do you consider as the greatest change that has occurred in your life?

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves me! I’ve been set free from my past! I now understand that hurting people hurt people—the way others have treated me is no reflection upon my own self-worth and value—it’s only a reflection of how they feel about themselves.

How many people do you think you have affected positively because of your work?

My testimony has touched the lives of thousands upon thousands of hurting men and women around the world …

One thing that has surprised me the most is that more and more have read my testimony, God’s Rose. They can completely relate, and they respond almost weekly to our ministry by writing letters. They are becoming involved in prison Bible studies—and they share with me how their lives are being changed for the better because of my testimony. I give God all the glory!

What keeps you going?

The peace and joy of knowing that I am fulfilling my God-given destiny!

Have the people you associate with, those who keep you at your best, changed since this transition? How?

Yes, we are becoming closer and we’ve grown up together in God. We’ve been tested—tried and true! We’ve learned to love deeper, play more often, trust more, and walk in unconditional acceptance of one another.

When listening or reading the notes after an interview, it all sounds so easy for you now, but was it?

Not at all! There were times when I felt as though I had no strength left to press on—times when I knew only God could perform a miracle on my behalf—which He did! Times when I felt my heart would break when I saw others who were in far worse shape than I had ever been.

So what is next for you and your work? How do you see it expanding or evolving?

This is just the beginning. The best is yet to come! I'm working on a new book called Learning to Dance in the Rain. It's a book of how we can overcome life's greatest tradgedies. It can be seen on Look under, "Learning to Dance in the Rain." It's not finished yet ...

What advice would you pass on to other women who may be thinking of making
a change to pursue their passion?

Do It Afraid!

Pray—take baby steps—and walk in the light God gives you. If you don’t have peace about something—wait! And by all means, no matter what others may say about your dream or the vision planted deep inside your heart—DON’T QUIT! KEEP PRESSING ON!!!

Also, keep balanced in every area of your life, keep a positive attitude and a grateful heart. And don’t ever put anything above your relationship with God.

Dream Big,